Since my last post, we have been to the doctor twice.
December 30, 2015
(28 Weeks, 4 Days)
We did not get an ultrasound at this visit, but did get to hear Brantley's heartbeat on the Doppler. It was 150 bpm. All my sugar levels checked out fine and after this visit we begin to see the doctor every two weeks.
January 14, 2016
(30 Weeks, 5 Days)
This was my last visit. We had a growth ultrasound at this visit because of my low weight gain. I have gained 8 pounds so far this pregnancy, but I feel like it's much, much more. I don't think my skin can stretch anymore! During the ultrasound, we were able to get a couple of side face/profile shots. She even got a few more for me in 4D since we didn't get many at the regular 4D ultrasound visit. Brantley measured right on track (2 days ahead actually) and is already weighing in at 3 pounds, 14 oz. His heartbeat at this visit was 138 bpm. After this visit, we were able to go ahead and schedule Brantley's birthday. If all goes as planned, we will have him on Monday, March 14th. Here are some pictures from this visit:
4D shot of his face.
Looking up at his face. You can see his lips and nose.
Foot over his face. He's folded up like a pancake in my belly! :)
Update on Ella Kate:
There have been so many things I have wanted to document for a while- the things she does, funny things she says, what she likes/dislikes, etc. However, life is just way too busy to be behind the computer all the time. So, I'm going to do my best to just post some funny moments over the past few months.
She is starting to get very excited about being a BIG SISTER and tells everyone that she's going to be one when Brantley gets here. She thinks it is funny to tell people that he is going to pee and poop in his diaper and always follows up that conversation with "Yucky!" She tells us that he can't walk and it's ok if he cries sometimes because he's a baby. One day after I picked her up from daycare she told me he was ready to come out. I told her he wasn't and she kept telling me he was. She said when he gets here, she will drive him to daycare. Oh at the thoughts that go through her head!!
She loves to say the blessing and always reminds us about it when we sit down to eat (many times even while we're still fixing our plates). My favorite part of her blessing is when she says "Bite his hands we are fed for daily bread." When she eats all of her food, she says she makes a "happy plate."
She loved Santa and her elf this year and still talks about them. She tells us they are at the Norf Pole sleepin because they are tired of watching her. She has already planned for them to bring her a swing next year. That girl- always planning ahead.
One day when we were shopping she told me and Hunter that her tummy was "alotta hungry" and that we needed to go get something to eat.
She has gotten to where she loves to ride in a stroller when we go on shopping trips- something she used to refuse because she wanted to walk everywhere. She makes sure that if we go shopping that we have it in the car.
We have our share of meltdowns- not wanting to clean up at times, not wanting to do certain things we ask her to, or getting mad at us when we get on to her. Bedtime is a struggle many nights- she will whine/cry/have a meltdown in the floor and it takes her a while to settle down. Ever since we took the paci, this has been a rough time for us- especially Hunter because that's who puts her to bed.
She has finally gotten over her fear of pooping in the potty. I made her start wearing panties all day a few weeks ago and kept telling her she better not poop in them because it would be very yucky. She hasn't had one accident in them so far and poops in the potty with no problem. Many times she'll go do it without even telling us she has to. If we had known this is all it took to get her to poop in the potty we would have put those panties on a LONG time ago. It's weird how she just all of a sudden got over that fear.
She loves to sing and even got a microphone with a stand for Christmas. Her favorite song to sing is "Jingle Bells" (STILL) and "Santa Claus is Coming to Town." I love how she mixes up the words in that song and says "He knows you when you sleepin, he knows you when you wake." And she will randomly put her microphone on the highest volume and blurt out a song at the most random times- which scares us to death!
We are really working on manners with her and she's finally getting it down. She tells us "You say ma'am to Mommy and sir to Daddy." When she answers us with "Yea" we say "Yes ma'am" or "Yes sir" to correct her (depending on who she is talking to) and she'll correct herself and say "Yes ma'am please" or "Yes sir please" back to us. Bless her- she's trying! The other night we were cleaning up her toys and she had to go to the potty while we were cleaning. She told me not to mess with her trains. I said "Yes ma'am". She said "Good job saying yes ma'am Mommy. That's a big girl." Um, who is the mom here? She is too big for her own pants sometimes!
She is a big helper and likes to go get things for me and Hunter or take things to one another for us. She will randomly bring me icy hot and tell me I need to put it on my back.
She knows how to count to 20, can sing her ABCs, names most of her letters (she still gets mixed up on a few) and has even started telling me what letter certain pictures start with. She is also very curious about EVERYTHING- she is in that stage where you have to explain it all to her- every detail.
She loves Thomas & Friends, trains, blocks, and especially puzzles. She just learned how to play "Memory" (she got it for Christmas) and beats us almost every time. No kidding.
McDonald's is her favorite and anytime you ask her what she wants to eat, 9 times out of 10 she will respond with "chicken nuggets." She also loves to eat turkey, grapes, apples, cheese, and sour cream and onion chips.
When it's time for certain things (lunch, supper, bath, bedtime, etc.) she will say "Is it almost clock?"
We are proud of her manners and her tender heart. She worries when others are in trouble or hurt or upset. She is always wanting to make you feel better. She gets lots of treats at Daycare for being a good listener and following directions. This makes us so proud! She loves to tell us about her day and how she sits criss-cross applesauce and how you put your hands in your lap at Mrs. Cindy's.
Her way of thinking and the things she says amaze us and shock us on a daily basis. She is learning so many new things everyday that we can't keep up with it all.
Her laugh will melt your heart and every time she gives Hunter and I a hug she says "You my best friend." We love this little girl more than she will ever know and we are so thankful God chose us to be her parents.
Us with our princess- Family Pictures- October 2015
My most FAVORITE picture ever.
A true Daddy's girl!
Her smile is contagious and makes every day a good day!
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