Monday, October 12, 2015

Summer 2015

What a wonderful summer we had!  I cherish the time I have off in the summer to spend with my sweet girl.  This summer consisted of many puzzles, pool time, coloring, stickers, golf cart rides, and sleeping in.  It was nice to do whatever we wanted when we wanted with no schedule.

We worked on potty training a little this summer and she went successfully the first day.  The second and third days were not so much fun.  Once she would have one accident, she would hold her pee until I put a pull up on her for nap time.  One day she held it from 10-4.  Although that is a "good" thing I guess, I really think the whole peeing in the potty idea scared her.  She refused to sit on a big potty and did not like seeing her pee pee in her little potty.  She would cry every time she got up from it.  Or if I tried to make her sit on it, she would get very upset.  So we backed off and we're just going to let it come when it comes.  One big thing we marked off the to-do list this summer was taking away the paci (FINALLY)!  On the night of June 17th, Hunter was teasing her while he was in the kitchen and told her to throw her paci away because she didn't need it anymore- she was a big girl.  She did just that.  It wasn't a big deal again until bedtime when she wanted it.  The paci is her night time soother and one of the reasons I think she was such a good sleeper.  We could lay her down awake and she would talk and play to herself then eventually fall asleep.  All thanks to the paci.  The first night was rough but we refused to give in.  She cried for about 20 minutes straight, to the point of making herself throw up.  After a bath to clean her up, Hunter rocked her to sleep.  She asked for it here and there over the next few days but we just kept telling her we threw it away and she was ok with that.  The next night was easier and the third night she didn't even mention it.  And within a week we saw a major difference in how straight her teeth got from not having the paci.  The downside to not having the paci anymore is that bedtime has become a battle. Now she wants one of us, mostly Hunter, to lay down with her.  When we get up, she screams and even climbs out of bed after us.  It is not so fun!  She also gave up her nap time at home this summer unless I laid down with her (THE WHOLE TIME).  Some days we did just that, other days, I just didn't fight that battle.

Ella Kate continued to go to daycare two days per week just to keep her in some type of routine.  She got moved to the "big" room this summer which was a big transition for her.  She cried about not wanting to go to daycare and when she woke up she cried about going.  We stuck through it though and eventually she adjusted and now she loves it again.  I think she knew that I was at home while she was having to go to daycare and she didn't like that! :)  I used those days to catch up on appointments, run errands, and some days just have a "me" day.

We took a weekend trip to the coast with my step-sister and her family.  Then we took our weeklong family vacation to Amelia Island this year with Hunter's family.  It was such a nice, relaxing trip and we all had a great time.  Ella Kate is still not much of a fan of the beach but she did go down there most days (as long as she could keep her shoes on).  She loved the pool and that's where we spent most of our time.  Below are pictures from our vacations and a few other special pictures, too!

 EK teaching me how you're supposed to put macaroni on your fork.  She teaches me something new everyday.

 "Elsa" (Chelsea) came to visit us this summer!

 We took a few days of swim lessons beginning on June 8th.  She actually got in the pool more this year, but wasn't a fan of the noodles.  She'd rather stay on the steps and play with the fish.  She did decide she wanted to slide into the water a few times in the deep end.  Never know what to expect with this one.

 One of our "lazy" summer days.

 Waiting on her friend "Kitty Dabis" to get out of the dryer.  It was time for him to have a bath and get all clean.

Teaching Daddy and Uncle Brent how to golf.

We spent the last weekend in June at the coast with the Vandenhouten's (Aunt Misti, Uncle Brett, and cousins Blaire and Hadley).

EK and Hunter at the pool at Barbour Island.

 Hanging in the hammock with her cousins.

 Girl likes to sort/hoard things.

Having fun jumping on these with Hadley.

 Family Vacation begins:  July 4th- On our way down to Amelia Island (ok a little out of the way) we stopped by the St. Augustine Alligator Farm.  EK loved looking at all the different animals there.  Kitty Dabis came too.

 Showing Kitty Dabis the animals, too.

 Love this family of mine! :)

 Sticking her head in the alligator's mouth!

 Me with my "sleep/cranky" girl at dinner.  She was not into taking pictures.

Eating dinner night two in Amelia Island.

I can't remember what we promised her if she would take a decent pic when we got back to the condo but it obviously worked. HAHA!

 Picking up seashells with Daddy!

Just checking things out on the beach.



 The Davis girls!

 We finally got a smile out of her!  She is very camera shy!

 Playing with KK, Gaddy, and Aunt Sarah.

 A little surfing!

 Family Beach picture night…

 Ice cream night at DeNucci's.  EK loved the slide there.

 CHEESEEEEEE!  Love those pigtails.

 Love this stinker sooo much!

 Last beach/vacation day!

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