On the day she was born, I was so nervous about the c-section- mainly because of not knowing what to expect. We arrived at the hospital at 6:30 and they took us back right away into a small "waiting" room while they prepped me for surgery. They put in my i.v., put the baby monitor on me, and made me drink some nasty medicine to help with the acid. I was also able to have 2 visitors at a time while waiting. Sarah and my mom both came and saw me before the c-section, along with Hunter of course. At 8:01 they rolled me back for surgery. They put in my spinal tap while Hunter was in the operating room entrance putting on his scrubs. After everything was ready to go, Hunter came in and sat beside me and held me. He talked to me a lot to help calm me down because I was shaking so bad from the medicine (he thought I was nervous). I couldn't feel much during the surgery- just a little pressure here and there. The smell was the only bad part. They had to put an alcohol pad on my nose to help me deal with the smell because it made me feel nauseous. Our baby girl was born at 8:25 and she literally came out peeing! :) She didn't cry very loud or for very long. The nurses cleaned her up just a little bit and let me see her for about a minute. I couldn't hold her then because my arms were strapped down. Overall, it was a quick, easy delivery and I'll never forget the moment I first saw our little girl. There really are no words to explain the love you instantly feel for your child. After she was born, Hunter was able to go to the nursery with her and watch her get weighed, measured, and bathed. Since I couldn't experience this, his sister Sarah took lots of pictures for me.
Looking back on it all, the c-section was the easy part. The procedure took about 45 minutes total. I stayed in recovery for about an hour and a half- until I could wiggle my toes and lift my legs and butt off of the bed. That was the longest hour and a half ever. Then I was taken to our room where I finally got to hold my baby for the first time. I can't begin to describe the emotions that came over me. We finally were a family of three. We had anticipated this day for so long and it was finally here.
Throughout our hospital stay, we were overwhelmed with the visits, calls, texts, and Facebook posts from our family and friends. We are so thankful for all of the wonderful people in our lives that love us and our sweet Ella Kate.
Then the recovery part- I never knew how much I took walking, sleeping on my side, using the restroom, and showering for granted. I had to have help with so many little things in the hospital. For a person who likes to do it all "myself" this was very hard! I am so thankful for my wonderful husband and mom who helped me during my stay. I also got the "shakes" in the hospital (from the medication) and had them every night until we got home. Thank goodness for Hunter who always was there to calm me down when they came. We are so thankful for our family who helped feed, change, and take care of Ella Kate when I couldn't!
We finally came home from the hospital on Saturday, October 13th. I don't think I've ever seen Hunter drive so slow and so careful. And I never realized how many bumps were in the road until I had surgery and cringed every time we hit one!!!!!
The first few days at home were so good for me because it made me get up and do more which helped me recover quicker. We had lots of visitors from friends and family and thanks to them Ella Kate wants to be held all of the time (KIDDING- kind of!)! :) We also had lots of help from family those first few days which we appreciate more than you know. Taking care of a newborn is hard work!! I find myself accomplishing things in 10 minutes that used to take me hours. I also chose to breast-feed Ella Kate which has been rewarding, exhausting, but also enjoyable because it gives us extra-special time together. Hunter's mom was so helpful with this process!
More on our growing girl:
Ella Kate has had two doctor appointments this month. On Monday, October 15th, we had her discharge appointment with Dr. Zeanah. At this appointment, we discussed eating, diapers, swaddling, etc. Ella Kate weighed 7 pounds, 4 oz. and was 19 1/4 inches long. At her 2 week appointment on Wednesday, October 24th, we met with EK's actual pediatrician, Dr. Perkins. At this appointment we talked a lot about breast-feeding, sleeping habits, to-do's/not-to-do's. Ella Kate weighed 7 pounds, 10 oz. and was 21 1/2 inches long. We have been very pleased with Bulloch Pediatrics and are very thankful for the wonderful doctors we have chosen for Ella Kate. We will go back to the pediatrician on December 13th for her 2 month shots. I may have to stay out of the room at this one!! :(
This past month has been one of the best months of my life. I love to just hold Ella Kate and stare at her. Of course, I think she's the most beautiful baby in the world!!!! She has already changed so much these past four weeks. I tell her everyday how much I love her and pray for her every night. I also love watching her and Hunter together. He is so wonderful with her and it melts my heart each time I watch them together. I am so blessed to have such a hands-on husband who never hesitates to change a diaper, feed her, or get up with her in the middle of the night. I know that one day she will realize what a lucky little girl she is to have so many people who love her!
Lastly, I wanted to share this special canvas hanging in our living room now that reminds us to cherish the little things and savor every moment with our little one. It is a great reminder for me to not get caught up in the unimportant things, but instead enjoy every minute with my daughter. It's a canvas by Glory Haus (I love their products!) and is titled: "Bless Your Child Every Day". It says "Celebrate who they are. Give lots of hugs and kisses. Rejoice in every victory. Be ready to wipe each tear. Slow down and listen to their hearts. Encourage their dreams. Pray for them- Pray with them. Trust them to make their own choices. Embrace mistakes. Teach Grace. Love them- Love them some more. Cherish your time together. Make memories. Remember that your child is a gift from the Lord." What a wonderful reminder!!
Below are some pictures from the past month! We love you Ella Kate!
Hospital Survival Kit from Aunt Sarah!
Daddy holding EK for the first time! He took good care of EK while I was in surgery and recovery!
First time the family saw EK- she was on her way to the nursery!
Big girl! Don't know how she fit in my belly!
But I know she was glad to be able to stretch out finally.
Getting her first bath at the hospital!
One proud Aunt!
EK & her sweet Daddy!
She's here- it's official! :)
All clean!
Hunter bringing Ella Kate to the room to see me so that I could hold her for the first time!
No words to describe this picture! Overwhelmed with emotions!
Aunt Sarah thinks she belongs to us, too! She's been our kid for a long time until we had EK!
Ready to go home! Saturday, October 13, 2012!
Sleepy girl!
Cousin Blaire loved giving EK sweet sugar! Love this picture!
First "REAL" bath- Sunday, October 28, 2012! She's got her fists ready just in case something doesn't go her way. HAHA!
This is one of my favorite pictures- Happy Halloween!
Family Photo on Halloween!
Sleeping! I could just sit and watch her sleep all day!
EK is one month old! I can't believe it!
This angel has been such a blessing to us. Hunter and I are so thankful to be her parents!
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